25-29/08/2024: We presented at ECVP 2024!
Bilge's Talk
Title: Information loss in peripheral vision: Crowding, grouping, and redundancy masking
Nicolas's Poster
Title: Thematic relations between objects get through the bottleneck of crowding
Bilge's Poster
Title: The consistency of peripheral appearance​​​
17-22/05/2024: We presented at the VSS, 2024!
We are excited to share the latest research from our lab presented at the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) conference:
Bilge's Talk
Title: Seeing less but seeing better: Information loss and accuracy gain in redundancy masking
Miao's Poster
Title: No pooling, no averaging: How varying the number of identical Gabors modulates orientation discrimination in the periphery
Ângela's Poster
Title: Crowding and visual appearance in amblyopia
Veronika's Talk
Title: Minimal retinal slip is sufficient for peak visual acuity in the Fovea

20/05/2024: New publication in Scientific Reports
A manuscript by Nihan Alp, Gülce Lale, Ceren Saglam, and Bilge Sayim titled "The effect of processing partial information in dynamic face perception" was published in Scientific Reports
This study explores how humans perceive temporal information in dynamic faces, highlighting the importance of face orientation and eye blinks in enhancing sensitivity and reaction times. You can read the full article here.
15/05/2024: New publication in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics

Zeynep, Daniel, and Bilge published a manuscript titled "Attention in redundancy masking" in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. They found that attention to peripherally presented stimuli modulates discrimination performance, but does not account for redundancy masking, a phenomenon where the number of perceived items in repeating patterns is reduced.
08/02/2024 - 09/02/2024: GDR Vision in Grenoble, France

At GDR Vision 2024, we presented on the following topics:
Bilge: Redundancy masking and advantages of information compression in visual perception.
Nicolas: The effect of thematic relations on visual crowding of familiar objects.
Marica: Foveal input bias in ensemble perception within and across emotional categories.

18/12/2023: Bilge's talk at the 2023 AVA Christmas meeting
Bilge gave a talk at the 2023 AVA Christmas meeting, in London, on “Information loss and accuracy gain in redundancy masking”.
21/11/2023: Welcome Yannis
Yannis Lovera joined the lab as a research fellow.
Welcome to the PALab, Yannis!

16/10/2023: Welcome Marica
Marica Zulianello joined the lab for an internship for one year.
Welcome to the PALab, Marica!

04/09/2023: Congratulations Ângela!

Ângela defended her PhD thesis.
Congratulations, Dr. Ângela Gomes Tomaz!
27/08/2023-31/08/2023: ECVP in Paphos, Cyprus

At the 45th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) we presented on the following topics:
Ângela: Impact of crowding on visual appearance in Amblyopia
Bilge: Redundancy masking in regular and irregular patterns
Miao: No pooling in crowding: Deterioration of orientation discrimination with increasing numbers of identical Gabors
Mert: Temporal modulation of redundancy masking
19-24/05/2023: Dandan and Sabrina presented at VSS 2023!

Dandan and Sabrina presented their findings at VSS: "Unbiased by redundant signals: Negativity bias for emotion perception of single but not two identical faces" (Dandan, L-Miao, Sayim, 2023) and "Information compression determines the appearance of repeating patterns in peripheral vision" (Hansmann-Roth & Sayim, 2023).
19/04/2023: Congratulations Dandan!

Dandan defended her PhD thesis.
Congratulations, Dr. Dandan Yu!
16/04/2023: Bilge presented at the 22nd Forum of Cognitive Sciences
Bilge presented the European Master “Psychologie des Processus Neurocognitifs et Sciences Affectives” (PPNSA) at the 22nd Forum of Cognitive Sciences in Paris. The European Master PPNSA is a collaboration between the SCALab, the University of Naples in Italy and the University of Minho in Portugal.